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 How to win the DAILY BATTLE without losing yourself after divorce so you can re-ignite the Power, Passion, Purpose & Profit in your life & business

...and Accelerate Your RESULTS in the Next 90 Days and Beyond - Even if you feel UNCERTAIN, LOST AND ALONE

  • WARNING: Stop Isolating Yourself


  • FACT: As a Divorced man you are now 2 times more likely to commit suicide and 6 times more likely to develop an alkohol or drug addiction   

  • Heading

    The Good News is that you also have an opportunity to unlock a life you could never have imagined.. 

    After a divorce, it's easy for men to let themselves become isolated, especially if the ex-wife gets custody of the kids or you lose your business.

    That's a huge mistake. It can worsen feelings of depression, guilt, shame, regret & loneliness, a potentially dangerous mix.

    Divorced men are twice as likely to commit suicide as married men. 

    Divorced men are also 6 times more likely to have alcohol problems and drug problems and end up feeling trapped in this cycle without the right support and help

    The risk of falling into the pit of Isolation after divorce has huge consequences such as: 

  •  The Anxiety keeps you up at night and cripples you from doing simple day-to-day tasks  

  •  You struggle with weight gain and high blood pressure due to the high level of stress  

  •  Your mind is constantly racing and you can't seem to find peace 

  •  You are successful at work, but feel powerless, disconnected, alone, and unmotivated

  •  You feel like you are in a POWER STRUGGLE with your ex-wife where you're competing and withdrawing money while she is controlling with lawyers and your kids

  •  You have no camaraderie with other men, and you don’t know how to communicate what you are feeling to your friends and family without fear of their reactions and rejections 

  • High Achieving Men Know When To Ask For Help


    "Asking for help is a strength not a weakness"

    The most successful businessmen in the world know the importance and ROI of doubling down on themselves and their business when they need to. This is why their hire business coaches to help them grow and expand their companies.

    A Divorce Coach is no different we start by looked at the 4 core areas of your life, including your business, which means that we take a birds eye view of your current situation and then find the best way to move you forward to recover from your divorce without loosing track of your financial game as well. 

    You don't have to have all the answers right now all you need is the willingness to change your current situation and do the work required to improve your life.

    The benefits of getting the right help after your divorce
    are many and will end up saving you both time, energy & money
    some of the benefits are:


  • Your sleep is the best it has been in years and you wake up rested and ready to take on the day 

  • You are in the best shape of your life and have lost weight and gotten a 6-pack which means your blood pressure has normalized and you handle stress much easier 

  • You have learned how to calm your mind and have found peace in your life which means you no longer struggle with anxiety or fear of the future 

  • You are successful at work and feel powerful, inspired and extremely motivated which means you have increased your business profit which allows you to spend more time doing what you love outside of work

  • You are in a Co-parenting relationship with your ex-wife which means you get to spend more time with your kids and that you no longer fight about money or assets 

  • You have a group of elite divorced businessmen supporting you in life and business which means you no longer have to feel alone with your divorce or your business

  • How to recover from divorce without becoming Emotionally or Financially bankrupt even if you feel overwhelmed & burned out..

  • Break free from Hurting and be Happy in your life

    Men often take the divorce much harder than women do, and for many men, their ex-wife was the one person they had always trusted to fall back on for support. Without someone to trust, men often try to deal with their problems alone, pushing away from others who may try to help

  • Choose between a 3 or 6-month coaching experience that will increase your confidence and clearly and keep you accountable which means you will no longer feel alone, guilty or shameful about your divorce

  • A virtual experience that you can do from the comfort of your home. You will learn principles & habit building exercises that will move you out of feeling like a victim to becoming the victor of your own life

  • A clear daily morning routine that will get you into a state of power which means you will show up on fire daily to produce is on fire daily

  • Learn The Freedom Map a unique tool that keeps you laser focused and accountably in reaching your yearly goals. You will learn to map out your Money Map which will help you grow your financial game which means you will have more freedom to be with your kids or do the things you love to do in life

  • Transformative tools to release grief and to elevate your state of peace which means you no longer have to struggle with guilt and shame that leads to daily anxiety and panic attacks 


    The Reframe Roadmap 

    The ultimate tool to reframe your divorce and have exponential growth 



    🎯 How to LEVEL-UP your Body & Fitness: The CEO-Fit system will WEAPONIZE you to Create more Power & Energy daily as fuel to become MORE productive

    🎯 HOW TO FUEL YOUR BODY & MIND: What to do daily to keep your mind sane and powerful

    🎯 HOW TO FORGIVE: Learn how to eliminate your stories and set yourself free 



    🎯 How to get Clear on What YOU Want: Uncover your "WHY" in life & business. Gain CLARITY & CERTAINTY in your Spirituality by Finding PURPOSE and TRUST in the Divine

    🎯 How to Access the Courage, Desire & Fire necessary to Effectively Lead, Communicate and Create

    🎯 THE 5 COMMITMENTS: Learn the 5 commitments. When and where to use it based on what YOU want. 



    🎯 How to find your Purpose in life and build a life around that Clear on What YOU Want: Uncover your "WHY" in life & business. Gain CLARITY & CERTAINTY in your Spirituality by Finding PURPOSE and TRUST in the Divine

    🎯 How to Access the Courage, Desire & Fire necessary to Effectively Lead, Communicate and Create

    🎯 THE 5 COMMITMENTS: Learn the 5 commitments. When and where to use it based on what YOU want. 



    🎯 How to continuously increase your Power & Capacity to CREATE and Produce MORE as a businessman, partner, and a father.

    🎯 HOW TO LIVE WITH PASSION: Lack passion in your life? Here we will 

    🎯 How to LEVERAGE yourself to finally get Lasting Momentum In Your Life; to Ultimately PRODUCE & Continuously EXPAND Your Results

    What customers are saying

    Peter, your gifts and support have helped me unlock the potential within me that has been dormant for quite awhile and you have helped me move forward after my divorce without gui

    Todd S.

    California, USA

    My time with Peter has had a profound effect on me: he has helped me find the language to draw out my vision and given me simple, practical advice on how to achieve it. I look forward to continuing to work with Peter because he is one of the best in the industry.

    Andrew H.

    London, England

    Peter has many facets which helps him in his capacity to lead, challenge and mirror back to you. When you find yourself lacking alignment between key areas of your life such as health, fulfilment, purpose and money you will be glad you took the jump and signed up for The Ceo on Fire Coaching program

    Bradley F.

    Miami, USA

    Frequent Asked Questions 

    The CEO ON FIRE Transformational Coaching Experience is a proven process - however its not about the program itself - it is about the deep and profound transformational experience you leave with that will completely alter you life in your Heath, Wealth and Love.

    Below are a few Q & A we get in the process 

    How does The CEO on Fire Program work?

    The CEO on Fire coaching program is a new and unique virtual coaching experience for divorced businessmen who are hit hard by the emotional pain and stress of their divorce. They often dont have anyone to talk to about what they are going though so I offer the right support they need during this season of their life so they can move forward and build a life they are proud of

    Is The CEO on Fire a physical program? 

    Yes. Part of the program is being physical in one way or another as this is one of the ways we generate power for our days. Always check with your health care provide before begining any new training program

    What is the investment to join The CEO on Fire coaching program for divorced businessmen?   

    The investment is your time, energy and depending on which program you choose a monetary cost.

    The 6-month program Investment is $5000 for 24 zoom calls, plus workbook and weekly check-ins

    The 3-month program Investment $3000 for 12 zoom calls, plus workbook and weekly check-ins

    (Payment Plans are available for each program if needed!) 

    Do I do this from my home or do I come to you? 

    From the comfort of your home. We are using a secure virtual system where we can interact face-to-face. The only thing I ask is that you are somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Everything will be kept confidential. 

    Will this improve my business? 

    I can never guarantee any business results as that ultimately comes down to you and your willingness to doing the work required to building, scaling and growing your business. You will learn proven business tools, strategies and tactics that has shown from past clients to be worth millions in revenue 


    Who is my coach? 

    Peter A. Northstar is the founder and creator of The Divorced CEO and the Podcast Parables of A Divorced CEO. Peter is a certified NLP practitioner and has more than 20 years of Training & Coaching High Performers in business, marketing, sales, the fitness industry, military & law enforcement as well as elite competitive athletes. He has studied and continues to study with some of the best Coaches, Psychotherapists and Mentors in the industry. Peter holds a BA in History of Ideas, from Aarhus University in Denmark.

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